Confronting Inequities in STI Prevention, Diagnostics and Care

Conference Programme

13:00–14:00 IUSTI Executive Committee
Lunch and Networking
Gwayi Conference Room

IUSTI Executive Committee Meeting

Venue: Gwayi Conference Room

19:00hrs IUSTI President’s Dinner
(Victoria Falls Hotel)
Diagnosis and Management of STIs: from best practice to practical availability.
In cooperation with IUSTI-World and World Health Organization.
Venue: Gwayi Conference Room
Hosted by Connie Celum
INSIGHT Study Investigators Meeting
Venue: Kalundu Conference Room
Chairs: Jo-Anne Dillon & Charlotte Gaydos
08:00-08:15 Welcome and Introduction – Angelika Stary & Marco Cusini
08:15-08:35 Epidemiology of STIs in Africa/MENA: is there a difference to other regions? – Francis Ndowa 09:00-10:30 Session I
08:35-08:55 Global impact of COVID-19 on STIs – Bradley Stoner 10:30-11:00 Refreshments Break
08:55-09:35 New and emerging causes of proctitis in MSM: lymphogranuloma venereum & monkeypox (MPXV) – Henry De Vries 11:00-12:30 Session II
12:30-13:30 Lunch
09:35-09:45 STI diagnostic practices in Asia – Somesh Gupta
09:45-09:55 STI diagnostic practices in Africa – Amina Hanҫali
09:55-10:20 Questions and discussion
10:20-10:50 Coffee break
Chairs: Janet Wilson & Jackie Sherrard
10:50-11:10 Managing NGU without access to M. genitalium and/or C. trachomatis testing – Kees Rietmeijer
11:10-11:30 Managing gonorrhoea that persists following ceftriaxone treatment – David Lewis
11:30-11:35 Neisseria but not gonorrhoea: case report – Angelika Stary
11:35-12:05 Managing vaginal discharge in settings with minimal resources  – Remco Peters
12:05-12:10 Recurrent vaginal discharge: case report – Janet Wilson
12:10-12:30 Managing recurrent genital herpes – Liz Foley
12:30-13:00 Questions and discussion
13:00-14:00 Lunch break
Syphilis and Joint Session with WHO

Chairs: Teodora Wi & Francis Ndowa
14:30-15:00 Overview of the WHO STI guidelines for symptomatic STIs – Teodora Wi (WHO, Switzerland)
15:00-15:10 Genital Ulcer Disease Management – David Lewis (Western Sydney Sexual Health Center, and University of Sydney, Australia)
15:10-15:25 Implementation Considerations -Philippe Mayaud (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK)
15:25-15:40 Laboratory Considerations – Magnus Unemo (Orebro University, Sweden and WHO Collaborating Centre for STIs)
15:40-15:50 Perspectives from Health Care Provider – Anna Machiha (National STI Programme, Zimbabwe) & Van Thi Thuy Nquyen ( WHO, Vietnam)
15:50-16:00 Questions and discussion
17:00-18:30 Opening Ceremony
Chairperson: Evaristo Marowa
Venue: Kalala Conference Room
1. Welcome by the Master of Ceremonies
2. Welcome to Victoria Falls – Security briefing
3. Welcome Remarks by Conference Co-Presidents of the Conference
4. Guest of Honour – Remarks
5. Keynote Address – Meg Doherty – World Health Organization
6. Vote of thanks by Co-Chairperson
7. Last words of welcome by the Master of Ceremonies
19:00-21:00 Welcome Reception
08:30-10:00 Plenary 1: STIs in key and vulnerable populations
Chairpersons: Laith Abu-Raddad, Angelica Espinosa Miranda
Venue: Kalala Conference Room
Speaker: Ghina Mumtaz (Lebanon). Epidemiology of STIs among refugees and displaced persons
Speaker: Rashida Ferrand (Zimbabwe). “By youth for youth” : Working meaningfully with youth to improve sexual and reproductive health
Speaker: Henry de Vries (Netherlands). Strategies to scale up HIV/STI PrEP for key populations (sex workers, MSM). [Click for more details]
10:00-10:30 Refreshments Break
10:30-12:00 Symposium 1
Antimicrobial resistance and vaccines
Chairpersons: Bradley Stoner, Fortunate Machingura
Venue: Kalala Conf Rm
View programme
Symposium 2
Addressing STIs in Pregnancy
Chairpersons: Barbara van der Pol; Chelsea Morroni
Venue: Gwayi Conf Rm
View programme
Symposium 3
Venue: Kalundu Conf Rm
Increasing challenges of STIs: The need
to act now
12:00-13:30 Lunch break Symposium 4
Venue: Kalundu Conference  Room
WHO STI Research Priority Setting and Monkeypox

Plenary 2: Understanding STIs: from basic biology to prevention
Chairpersons: Jo-Anne Dillon, Henry De Vries
Venue: Kalala Conference Room
Speaker: Jo-Ann Passmore (South Africa). Genital microbiome, inflammation, STIs and HIV prevention
Speaker: Kate Seib (Australia). Gonococcal virulence factors and vaccine development.
Speaker: Odile Harrison (UK). Informing on bacterial STIs through pathogen genomics.

15:15-16:00 Debate 1: Mathematical models are useless in predicting antimicrobial resistance in STIs
Chairperson: Nicola Low
Venue: Kalala Conference Room
For the motion: Yonatan Grad (USA)
Against the motion: Katy Turner (UK)
16:00-16:30 Refreshments Break
16:30-18:00 Poster viewing
Residents Hall/Falls View
Symposium 5 Sponsored Session
Venue: Gwayi Conference Room
Sponsored by: The Health Research Unit Zimbabwe at BRTI
The STICH TRIAL – Disclosing results of the STI management trial for youth in Harare and Bulawayo
19:00-22:00 Speakers Dinner
Victoria Falls Safari Lodge
(by invitation only)
Dinner in Elephant Hills Hotel Restaurant
07:00-08:30 FIND Sponsored Breakfast Session I
Venue: Kalundu Conference Room
Challenges and opportunities for addressing Neisseria gonorrhoeae Antimicrobial Resistance
08:30-10:00 Plenary 3: New diagnostics and therapeutics for STIs
Chairpersons: Charlotte Gaydos, Remco Peters
Venue: Kalala Conference Room
Speaker: Yuka Manabe (USA). Existing point-of-care tests and future developments for diagnosis and antimicrobial resistance testing
Speaker: Michael Marks (UK). The end of line: AMR, genomics and novel treatment options for syphilis
Speaker: Jonathan Ross (UK). Beyond cephalosporins – what are the options for managing N. gonorrhoeae?
10:00-10:30 Refreshments Break
10:30-12:00 Symposium 6
Chairperson: Angelika Stary; Yaw Ardu-Sarkodie
Venue: Kalala Conf Rm
View programme
Symposium 7
Burden of STIs in vulnerable populations
Chairpersons: Carmen Logie; Chido Dziva Chikwari
Venue: Gwayi Conf Rm
View programme
Symposium 8
Vaginal biology and microbiome
Chairpersons: Ellen Kersh; Jo-Ann Passmore
Venue: Matetsi Rm
View programme
Symposium 9: WHO Sponsored Session
Venue: Kalundu Conf Rm
“Don’t let the opportunity pass: including STI services for people on HIV PrEP”
12:00-13:30 Lunch break WHO Symposium 10
Venue: Kalundu Conference  Room
The role of brief behavioural interventions in a combination prevention approach to sexually transmitted infections, including HIV: current achievements, challenges and way forward
CANCELLED – Symposium 11
Hologic Sponsored Session
Harnessing HIV diagnostic infrastructure to address the burden of sexually transmitted infections in Africa

Venue: MatetsiVenue: Matetsi Room
13:30-15:00 Plenary 4: Addressing inequalities to STI care
Chairpersons: David Lewis; Ivana Božičević
Venue: Kalala Conference Room
Speaker: Nicola Lowe (Switzerland). Epidemiology and transmission of monkeypox
Speaker: LaRon Nelson (USA). Community engagement and inequities in STI services, including HIV: transformative visions for future
Speaker: Frances Cowan (Zimbabwe/UK). Implementation science & Integration of services for STIs and HIV. [Click for more details]
15:15-16:00 Debate 2: Rapid diagnostic testing for STIs will make syndromic management a thing of the past
Chairperson: Philippe Mayaud
Venue: Kalala Conference Room
For the motion: Jeff Klausner (USA)
Against the motion: David Lewis (Australia)
16:00-16:30 Refreshments Break
16:30-18:00 Poster viewing
Residents Hall/Falls View
Symposium 12: WHO Sponsored Session
Venue: Kalundu
WHO HHS: Triple Elimination: Addressing STI towards the elimination of new paediatric HIV and Hepatitis B and Congenital Syphilis (EMTCT)
19:00-22:00 Congress Gala Dinner
Boma Restaurant (Shuttle Buses)
07:00-08:30 Program Science Initiative: Sponsored Breakfast Session II: Improving the effectiveness of HIV/STI prevention and treatment in sub-Saharan Africa through Program Science
Venue: Kalundu Conference  Room
08:30-10:00 Plenary 5: Advances in STI vaccines and prevention
Chairpersons: Deborah Watson-Jones, Sami Lynne Gottlieb
Venue: Kalala Conference Room
Speaker: Carolyn Deal (USA). Priorities in STI and HIV vaccines – product development and considerations for access in LMICs
Speaker: Nelly Mugo (Kenya). Access to HPV vaccination – progress towards elimination of cervical cancer in LMICs
Speaker: Linda-Gail Bekker (South Africa). A Double Dividend: Multi-purpose technology for HIV and STIs [Click for more details]
10:00-10:30 Refreshments Break
10:30-12:00 Symposium 13
Advances in diagnostics

Chairpersons: Magnus Unemo; Dumisile Venessa Maseko
Venue: Kalala Conf Rm
View Programme
Symposium 14
Engaging diverse communities in care

Chairpersons: Margaret Pascoe; Elizabeth Foley
Venue: Gwayi Conf Rm
View Programme
Symposium 15
Integration of STI care in PrEP services

Chairpersons: Saiqa Mullick; Marc Steben
Venue: Kalala Conference Room
View Programme
12:15-13:30 Closing Ceremony
Chairpersons: Janet Wilson; Francis J Ndowa
1. Master of Ceremonies
2. Keynote address: David Mabey, (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK). Are we ready to move on from Syndromic Management of sexually transmitted infections? [Click for more details]
3. Closing remarks by Co-Presidents of the Conference
13:30-15:00 Buffet Lunch